@bd7 may I suggest that you peruse the topics posted on our forum (use the categories and search to drill down more efficiently) and collect the things that most interest you, and give some more detail on that here.
Our forum constitutes an archive of subject matter waiting to be processed.
During the course of your Dissertation we can continue to support you, and if you combine your work with community efforts then we can set up crowdsourced community-project(s) e.g. on github where other contributors also help you forward. You can use this forum as your help center, but in that case may can also have access to publish on our community website (will be overhauled according to new mission + vision).
Note that as part of our community principle of participation being ‘fun and rewarding’ we will initiate a Rewards Program soon, just for members, to go structural on that. You should not be afraid to define your own rewards, like career ambitions, so we can anticipate and help you with them.
Rewards can be anything that appeals to members, and the list of rewards will continue to evolve. Anyone can brainstorm ideas for additional rewards. I will create some placeholder topics so we can already make a start to define this program.