Telecom providers such as AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint and Verizon have monetized the telecom subscriber (“paying customer”) and authorized device user (spouse, significant other, child, etc.) leading to numerous civil liberty, privacy, cyber security and safety threats.
As a result of uncontrollable preinstalled surveillance and data mining technology (apps, widgets, etc.), consumers can no longer purchase a private, secure or safe smartphone or flip phone:
Don’t take my word for this claim, T-Mobile and Verizon admit it:
T-Mobile Admission: “We, too, remember a time before smartphones when it was reasonable to conclude that when you activated service with T-Mobile that only T-Mobile would have access to our personal information. However, with the Samsung Galaxy Note, the iPhone, and many other devices, there are indeed a variety of parties that may collect and use information.” — T-Mobile Privacy Team (FCC Consumer Complaint #423849 Filed by Rex M. Lee/Public Record).
Verizon Admission: “We have reviewed your request at the highest levels of our organization and have confirmed that the only solutions to make a phone private and secure are available through third parties, not directly from Verizon…Additionally, Verizon is not equipped to address preinstalled solutions or applications on any device.”- Verizon admits a person cannot purchased a private, secure or safe smartphone or flip phone/Email from a purchase request from Rex M. Lee July 2nd, 2018
Smartphones and connected products supported by the android OS, Apple iOS and Microsoft Windows OS are supported by predatory surveillance and data mining business practices rooted in Surveillance Capitalism.
Products supported by Surveillance Capitalism means that the product developers are enabled to monitor, track and data mine the product user for financial gain at the expense of the product user’s civil liberties, privacy, cyber security and safety since the product developers do not indemnify (protect) the product user from harm.
Surveillance Capitalism simply means that the consumer of connected technology has been monetized by the product developers which include companies such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook.
Not even security apps or MDM apps protect the product user from preinstalled surveillance and data mining technology developed by the OS developer and preinstalled content (apps, widgets, etc.) developers.
Consumers of connected products are in need of an Electronic Bill of Rights to protect individuals, children and business processionals from data driven technology providers who employ predatory surveillance and data mining business practices.
Consumers of connected products have been turned into “uncompensated information producers” who are exploited for financial gain by the very tech companies the product user patronizes with their trust, loyalty and hard earned money.
Even children are being exploited for financial gain at the expense of the child’s privacy and safety by tech giants such as Google, Apple, Microsoft and Facebook.
Again, don’t take my word for this claim, Sean Parker (Co-Founder Facebook) admits it:
"It’s a social-validation feedback loop … exactly the kind of thing that a hacker like myself would come up with, because you’re exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology…God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains…The inventors, creators — it’s me, it’s Mark [Zuckerberg], it’s Kevin Systrom on Instagram, it’s all of these people — understood this consciously. And we did it anyway…”- Sean Parker, Axios- November 9th, 2017
Why are we not holding these companies accountable for selling us addictive, intrusive, harmful and exploitive technology?
To learn more, read articles written by an industry insider at My Smart Privacy: