Why Is Your Location Data No Longer Private?

This article is especially interesting if you are living in the USA, and contains many pointers:

Krebs on Security: Why Is Your Location Data No Longer Private?

The past month has seen one blockbuster revelation after another about how our mobile phone and broadband providers have been leaking highly sensitive customer information, including real-time location data and customer account details. In the wake of these consumer privacy debacles, many are left wondering who’s responsible for policing these industries? How exactly did we get to this point? What prospects are there for changes to address this national privacy crisis at the legislative and regulatory levels? These are some of the questions we’ll explore in this article.

And, of course, I’ll add the Hacker News discussion that followed this article: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17163013

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@healthyswimmer, I wasn’t sure what the best place to post this would be. Thought it might go with @aschrijver’s post; LMK if there’s a better place for it.

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I’ll have some time to learn how to file these articles in the next few weeks. My child had the summer off and I had to take a major tech holiday.

@aschrijver thanks for posting- this may explain some new privacy concerns I’ve discovered recently. I use duck duck for the past 2-3 months now but notice in the past 2-3 weeks my phone is not private anymore- the creepy feeling it knows me…