Platform Design Toolkit

Is anyone familiar with the Platform Design Toolkit? I stumbled across it through a link on the P2P Foundation website, after they interviewed Michel Bauwens for their Boundaryless Conversations podcast. Don’t know much else about the toolkit or the people behind it.

I note the irony that their site requires Javascript to display anything beyond a blank red page, and tries to run JS from at least 5 third-party domains, including 2 Goggle domains. You’d think people putting forth design toolkits would know how to use HTML/CSS for web pages, and host their own JS under their own domain where it’s needed.

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Yes, I am familiar with it. But I just bumped into it recently. It is being applied by @m3me for GreaterThanLearning, which is in Beta, right now.

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It is a really useful toolkit to think about platform ecosystems and designing them. Simone Cicero and the team at Boundaryless have done a great job. I suggest also checking out their podcast, they cover some really interesting and thought provoking topics.

I think it is easy to be critical of the front end infrastructure they setup. I admit it is a little lazy to have JS or stylesheets loading from a third-party server but maybe it is a blindspot for them and their team? Pointing this out to them via twitter or some other channel might prompt them to address it?

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