Phone Zombies Campaign: Anchoring the term "Phone Zombies" in common language

Sure. I am all for that :slight_smile: :partying_face: We might turn this into a small contest (similar but smaller to Join the CHT Design Contest and Win! And please give us your Vote! )

I agree. This is similar to smoking in public. On the one hand try to make smokers feel guilty and self-conscious when doing it, on the other hand - in separate campaigns - offer them a hand to improve their ways.

We could create a whole series of small meme pictures that are targeted for practical use in social media interactions, e.g. to cut off a Whatsapp conversation that is taking too long. Promote that ‘as a thing’.

That is true. But I envision mention of HTC to be in the image metadata (no one looks at that really, but for search engines and people with tech saviness, whom we might want to reach as potential new members.

We need metadata any way, because the images must have non-commercial license to increase their application (and conform to our own principles). On the same note, the images we use should be vetted, so they are copyright-free, or used with permission of the copyright holder.