Looking for Active Members in Barcelona 2020

Hello Beautiful People

My name is Adam Sadowski. I’m currently the head of design at a startup called “Cadence”, which is doing some pretty amazing things in the event space (event management and experience).

Early last year I helped co-found the “Barcelona Digital Designers” group and have been running monthly meetups and workshops in the Barcelona area. I’d love to connect with other designers in the city, especially those who embrace the principles and philosophy of humane tech. We’re constantly looking for new ways to engage with the design community to provide something of value and to use design as a vehicle for positive change. It’s something that we can always be doing a better job of.

Feel free to join our group if you are in the BCN area, we’re currently 500+ members strong:

If you’d like to connect for any reason, don’t hesitate to email me: adamsadowski5 [@] gmail DOT com


Hey Adam, we have an active meetup of Consciously Digital in Barcelona

Perhaps we can do something together. PM me if you’d like to meet up