I'm creating a new profession for the world "Digital Workflow Expert" and you're welcome to join me

For the last 2 years I’ve been teaching tech companies in Tel-Aviv to improve the workday and personal lives by taking in only the positive aspects of tech products. I’ve been doing so with my seminar titled :
MyMethod: Your Survival Kit for Working in the Digital Era
I’m teaching it this week in SF (22) and next week in NY (28). If any of you want to help by first learning MyMethod and then shaping that new profession based on what I teach, I’m happy to host you at the seminar (its free=DANA).
reply here or get in touch with me for more information, Thanks for reading and hope we will all improve the way people work and live in and around tech products.


There is definitely some potential here for tech in healthcare- there is some serious user interface issues… not sure what your program entails from reading your post though…