Dear members of this fine community,
In two months time we have reached a membership count of 1300 users, and in total we have posted more than 1,600 contributions to this forum in 245 topics. Among these are many great discussions, ideas and people exchanging their experiences.
Not only has this forum been very active, but also a total of 23 (!) local meetup chapters have been announced, as well as a variety of cool events and conferences. Many chapters have already held one or more sessions, all around the world, and members have met and interacted face-to-face. So important, and it really makes us happy!
Many thanks to all of you, and give yourself a big applause! 

As you are well aware - with all the Facebook scandals and media attention for the negative aspects of social media and abuse of personal data - the iron is hot now… Humane Technology is sorely needed!
If we want to have real impact, increase awareness and reach the masses, we have to bring this grassroots community to the next level, and help the CHT founders steer us onwards!
Therefore we would like to gauge your interest and find out which Humane Tech topics you would like to spend your time on, help elaborate further than what is possible in this discussion forum.
Please fill in the poll below, and - if you want to be an active contributor - add a post to this topic where you clearly state your interest in a short, bold-face summary text. This is required for readability if the thread becomes long, e.g. “I would like to work on…[humane tech topic XYZ]”.
You can of-course add optional descriptive texts (but avoid overly long descriptions). List multiple topics below each other.
Here’s the poll:
- I am interested in Humane Tech in general, but I am mainly a reader.
- I am interested to follow-up on forum topics, but I am still on the side-line, waiting…
- Yes, I would like to spend more of my time to elaborate and take this further!
(Note: the poll has the option “Show who voted” turned off)
Last but not least: Stating your commitment only reflects your intention, but obliges you to nothing. You are totally free!
Yours truly,
CHT staff