HUMANITECH - The 1st Virtual Digital Wellness Conference, featuring 29 diverse speakers

Greetings Humane Tech Community!

What was originally conceptualized as the first ever in-person Digital Wellness Conference in NYC, has become the first virtual one as a result of the Covid pandemic.

My team and I are so excited, proud and grateful to be bringing together 29 incredible speakers (among them the amazing Max Stossel from The Center for Humane Technology) for a series of discussions around the impact of technology on humanity.

Head over to to see the full list of speakers and to purchase a ticket. 50% of the proceeds will be going to a women and children’s charity in NYC.

If you would be so inclined as to help us spread the word about this event by sharing it with your communities, we would deeply appreciate it. If you do choose to share, please use the following hashtags so that we can find your posts: #HUMANITECH and #DigiWellConference.

Thank you!

Psychotherapist, Parenting Coach & International Speaker

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Hi @Teodora!

It’s a hell YES, I’m In!

I already got my tickets for both days and would recommend anyone interested in human tech not to miss this excellent opportunity.

Welcome back, and thank you for the invitation!


Just signed up, looking forward to it!

Thank you @swanderl and @Kyle! Really appreciate your support!