For those who’ve found themselves on this forum and want to get more involved with the Humane Tech Community or the wider movement of humane technology, ethical tech, digital wellbeing / wellness / minimalism, mindful tech, or whatever else you may call it, we offer some suggestions for how you can participate…
- Sign up on this forum, if you haven’t already. You can optionally receive email updates on relevant activity.
- Introduce yourself or check-in here on this forum.
- Join our public chatroom and say hello (and learn about the decentralized Matrix network in the process).
- Follow the various Humane Tech Community accounts or groups on social media or similar platforms, if you use them: [Linkedin] [Instagram] [PixelFed] [GitHub] [Hacker News] [Reddit] [Twitter] [YouTube] Not all are active but could change in future if we have volunteers to run them - for now, following increases the impact we can make.
- Browse the Awesome Humane Tech list on GitHub. Star it to help others discover it and Watch if you’d to be notified of updates. Submit any open-source projects you know of that fit the criteria.
- Browse the delightful humane design list on CodeBerg. Star it to help others discover it. Star it to help others discover it and Watch if you’d to be notified of updates. Submit any resources you know of that fit the criteria.
- Familiarise yourself with the activities and resources of Center for Humane Technology.
- Sign up to their newsletter from their homepage.
- Subscribe to their podcast, Your Undivided Attention.
- Take their free course for product development teams, Foundations of Humane Technology.
- Follow Center for Humane Technology on any social media platforms that you use: [Twitter] [Facebook] [LinkedIn] [YouTube]
- Share relevant apps, articles, resources here on the forum. Better still, you could curate a list of resources for one of the categories in this forum.
- Join the Community Team, to help the support the community in some way, eg. on this forum, or helping to develop or create content for our website You’ll need to take the initiative with this as we are a community of volunteers with open leadership.
This topic is locked to ensure comments do not distract from this list, but we are expecting to update and improve the list. For feedback and discussion, see our 2022 community improvements topic.