How can we appeal to the masses, who do not seem all that interested in changing?

Hi @Hex

My humble opinion: tech companies figured out what we want, they provide it, get rich on it, and then exploit it further, creating new needs from the market as AI gets more sophisticated. As businesses, they are justified in bringing to market products and services we all want. The government? Stay out of business, let demand/supply effectively legislate unless someone really abuses its monopolistic power to impose prices and its own offering. The question is “What portion of the population worries that much about the increasing influence and risks associated with big tech companies?” The probable answer: very few. If this is the case then, where do we get the mandate to demand changes to all this? There is no powerful grassroot movement. Sad observation, but I am afraid, true. Is there a NRA-equivalent, with the means of effective lobbying, who is strong of millions of members?

In my view, the issue is demand. We love it, I love it. I also hate it, but I’m no better than anyone.

A good allusion is drugs or standard addictions. Let’s say I am an alcoholic. I keep drinking but of course I hate myself for it. Would someone offer me a life-changing experience after which I willl be transformed? I would embrace it.

Hence the topic of shocking audiences with short, dramatic videos which can find at Producing short dramatic videos to raise awareness. A modest proposal that could do some help in this process of waking up.

Would love for you to be involved.