The delightful project just launched delightful humane design.
For a couple of years now I am maintaining the awesome-humane-tech curated list, which now has a big amount of projects and resources related to humanetech. This list focuses mostly on open-source (FOSS) software with which you can help e.g. improve your privacy, block trackers, help improve your health and social media habits, etc.
In parallel - due to the attention that Humane Technology is getting - a new field of information technology can be said to be ‘on the rise’, getting more popular and mainstream. And this field is Humane Design, dealing with how IT workers of any expertise can design and implement software that aligns to the Principles of Humane Technology.
To record and track the most interesting resources in Humane Design I just launched a delightful list. For those who do not know the delightful project: It is similar to awesome project on Github, but exclusively for FOSS, Open Data and Open Science related projects and resources.
And we need your help …
Do you know about great quality resources that should really be added to this list to help Humane Tech advocates? Then suggest them on this this thread, or directly to the project (via a new issue or Pull Request).
Help further the field of Humane Design.
Earn the delightful badge
Entries that are included are eligible to wearing the ‘delightful’ badge with a pointer to Humane Design list: