There is a bug in this forum- in the middle of my last reply my profile name changed to anonymous. Also- the site badge feature disappeared. When I asked an administrator how to earn the next level badge by learning site rules he didn’t understand what I was talking about?
This site is confusing and you get less access to features as you use it. The badge system is not available to everyone here…
The badge is mentioned in one of the welcome messages you get from the discobot. I don’t think the admins or moderators realize that the forum promises badges
I am no admin, so I cannot check, but I think the Badges feature has been turned off (too much gamified). There was some discussion on staff topic to turn off discobot as well, and replace with some good old instruction page(s).
Until it’s decided what to do with El Discobot, can “(and badges)” be removed from the greeting message? Also, I noticed there is a reference to a badge in my profile settings, and when I click on the pencil to edit it, I get an error message. That should be removed as well.
I am wondering what kind of moderation do we have here. My post at Privacy is fundamental to humanetech was mellinia ago. But when I posted i was asked if i was giving others to post. No one is posting in that topic anymore. It was in the bottom in the list. I had something relevant to post. Before I was asked to post 3 times only in a paticular topic. Anyway that was the last post on that topic you have no problem, I am out of here. Thanks fo giving me oppotunity to post here.
There are many people who lurk around but fur whatever reason don’t contribute their thoughts. If only there were good listeners in real life like this!! I honestly think most live in social media and “watch” the real world go by. Sign of the times…
I know moderators donate their time free- as does others who contribute here. It’s all free will.
All moderation is volunteered. We allow everyone to add their own take to humane tech, state your opinion and contribute interesting links, like you did on the privacy topic. If members are off-topic, or are flagged for inappropriate posts, then we act accordingly and do our moderation tasks.
The forum contains many, many good ideas and stuff that requires more action to elaborate further, but - as stated in topics like the one on the TL;DR problem and CHT tooling needed - the forum is not the place we can achieve that. If you read Tristan’s announcement again, you see how the core team is overwhelmed by press and world leaders asking CHT for advice. This is the reason they did not follow up yet with more concrete plans.
Until that time you have to see the forum as the first stage of information processing, a body of work with raw data to be followed up upon later. Your posts are appreciated. Personally I never follow up a post with just a “This is good…” response because of TL;DR. Instead I give it a Like, meaning “This is relevant”.
What I also don’t do is post ‘more of the same’ type links. There are literally millions of articles on the bad practices of FB, but unless they bring something new, have concrete action points, or contain references to scientific studies, etc. they do not add to what has already been said.
So please have patience… we are growing, and we are improving bit-by-bit and all of the time