A Way To Spread Humane Tech Vision

Today I have just posted the following message on Facebook to present a new page called “Sustainable Technology” (in Italian: language: Tecnologia Sostenibile):
"This group intends to deal with all issues concerning an inappropriate and excessive use of information and communication technologies, with particular attention to minors, the risks of addiction and mental hacking, online scams, false news (Fake News), the use of Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms to manipulate people, Big Data and the indiscriminate use of our personal data collected online, in social networks, the educational problem as a whole, etc. We are a group of professionals and friends who work on this issue.We intend to create a movement on Human Technologies in Italy that is already present in the USA and in other countries.

From the home page of the movement in the USA Give us a hand to avoid that future generations and the civilization of the future are not increasingly conditioned by a few companies that manage technologies and economic powers on a global level that have profit as their sole purpose. On humanetech.com we read that “As long as social media companies profit from indignation, confusion, addiction and depression, our well-being and democracy will continue to be at risk.”

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Thank you for your attention and for what you will do!

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