Help! I just took on largest school district in Colorado

Please consider signing a petition I created to get a Colorado school district to take notice and begin to discuss the the issue of smartphones at school.

I could really use ANY HELP AT ALL!!!

No Cell Phones In JeffCo Middle Schools - Remove The Distraction - Be The Educated Adult

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Hey great job, good luck for it. I just have one bit of feed back, not sure if you want anyā€¦ but if thereā€™s a chance to edit it - I wouldnā€™t say ā€˜we know kids have no impulse controlā€™, Iā€™d say something like we know kids donā€™t have fully developed impulse control, or something along those linesā€¦ but nit picking, itā€™s awesome, great effort, I hope it has an impact. I noticed NSW today are considering banning them, hopefully other states/countries take note of that tooā€¦

Yes, good initiative the petition!

But could you explain what the relevancy is to mention Columbine High in the title?
I am not a US citizen, but the title sounds a bit like clickbait to me. Correct me if I am wrong, and otherwise please edit it to something more appropriate :slight_smile:

Hi Aschrijver, Its a good question. While my post might seem to be strictly related to smartphone policy, the conversation tends to gravitate to school culture, mental health resources and funding school programs.

I would suggest this - schools that have endured a significant crisis have an additional need to monitor to school climate/ culture, interpersonal communications, and mental health wellness programs - for multiple reasons. And other regions sometimes look at schools like Columbine to see what programs and policies are put in place after a tragedy strikes to learn about success and/or trends and research.

Some of our primary school kids will feed into Columbineā€¦ these likely include children of Columbine students - who are not spared by the conversation we are all having as it relates to smartphone policies.

Bottom line - Any kind of new program or policy that incorporates Columbine would most definitely help our overall effort to get a nationwide mental health conversation going.

Again, great question. I will consider how this could deflect or derail the effort in my future postsā€¦ but as it relates to this bulletin boardā€¦ Iā€™m not sure I have the ability to change something that was previously posted. Hope this helps, and thank you for your support and insight.

FYI - below is a recent article about Columbine High School and changes made since the tragedy. School mental health staff are needing more change and ā€œthe biggest obstacle to making these changesā€ā€¦would be ā€œa lack of funds and the availability of peopleā€.

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Hi Julie, that is an excellent point and it serves as a reminder of how valuable professional peers are. Thank you - we have an ethical obligation to keep these kinds of things in check.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Pressuring schools to lower tech. Help!