If the identity is self-sovereign, then why would it need to be related to Validbook?
Validbook provides web service to create and manage your Self-Sovereign Identity. Also it provides Self-Sovereign Identity protocol based on DID specs. The idea is that software providers will coalese around this standard to create applications for people to manage their Self-Sovereign Identities on different devices.
The fact that you use Validbook service and standard to create and manage your SSI does not mean that it becomes not sovereign. It is still sovereign because only you have private keys to it.
In that sense, I don’t see how self-sovereign identity is related to proving someone is a unique person. Someone could easily have multiple self-sovereign identities…
Yes, humans, things and virtual entities can have as many identities in digital world as they want.
In order to distribute Kudos, we will have service that will enable humans to prove that some Self-Sovereign Identities uniquely represent them in digital world. They can still have as many other identities as they want, but they can have only one identity with claim that it uniquely represent them as human, therefore have a claim on their share of Kudos distribution.
If the uniqueness of this representation can be proved, then we can distribute Kudos of all humans to those who proved that their Self-Sovereign Identities uniquely represent them. By doing such distribution we create continuous incentive for people to participate in Kudos distribution, that will support Kudos value.
Someone could easily have multiple self-sovereign identities (this is notmal for self-sovereign ids) and there could be multiple use cases just like Validbook and it’s cryptocurrency.
Yes, there are various use cases, where SSI can be used in pseudonymously, anonymouslyor with real/legal name. Using SSI to prove uniqueness of representation of a human is only one of use cases.
I know what you’re going to say that Validbook is not a validator itself but only helps people manage their self-soereign ids. But isn’t self-sovereign id supposed to be portable and also held on the users’ own devices rather than with a third party?
That’s right, Validbook helps people to manage their SSIs by providing services and protocols. People, still retain control over their identities as the private keys that control these identities are always under the sole ownership of the people.
Also I see no connection whatsoever between self-sovereign id and cryptocurrency and social networks.
The connection is that by using Self-Sovereign Identities we can create new business model - Self-Sovereign Identity Based Business Model. By using Self-Sovereign Identities we can create cryptocurrency that can be distributed in a way that is more fair than distribution of the current currencies. Then we can take part of that currency and use it to create and maintain a set of core human-centric cooperation services - end-to-end encrypted, sovereign, low engaging, non-addictive. These cooperation services will optimize cooperation level in local and global communities, by making cooperation more transparent and reliable, as well as support human rights.
As current social network services fueled by attention based business model is the main cause of psychological, cognitive and democracy related issues , they are the first candidates to be improved and replaced with new generation, “better”, “humane” social network service.
I don’t need a real id to use a social network.
Validbook do not require your “real”/legal name for you to use it.
Also self-sovereign ids do not represent individual humans (rather they represent the multiple ids and multiple characteristics of any person) so can not be used to distribute cryptocurrency evenly amongst the world population.
On Validbook we have Validbook Identity service and Validbook Arbitration service. By using them, you can prove that one of the identities uniquely represents you as a living human individual.
Also, Kudos will not necessarily be distributed evenly among all world population, especially at the beginning. They will be distributed evenly among those humans who made effort to prove that some SSI uniquely represent them as humans, either because they want to receive Kudos or because they want to support maintenance of Validbook Services.
@Free as always, thank you for the question and arguments. Please, let me know where do you see weaknesses in Validbook idea. I will be glad to try to explain or explore them with you.