Tempo is the minimalist email client that helps you build healthier habits. Take control of your time and do your best work – inside and outside your inbox.
For which operating systems is it available? I saw you charge 15 USD per month. That seems like a lot for an email client.
Hi there, it’s currently only Mac but other platforms are coming soon. The price is a good point but it is still being figured out and there might be a freemium option in the future.
When considering pricing, some concerns:
What is your primary goal you want to achieve with this product? At the moment it looks like the goal is to make money, not to convert as many people as possible to a better email experience. High prices lock people with lower incomes out of products, and your pricing all but guarantees that the users who would most benefit from your client will stick with whatever free email they already use—probably gMail.
If your goal is to replace less-good email client usage with a lot of people, you’ll need to come up with a business model that supports a very low price point. You might consider charging $15 a year (a much easier sell) and offering some early adopting high-rollers the option to buy batches of yearly subscriptions to give out to friends at a discounted rate, to help you start gathering attention and market share. If you can convince some influencers to give you a boost with the right target audience, that might be worth trying.
What is your relative value proposition? Right now it’s “stylishly minimal and respectful of your attention,” which is great…but probably not $180/year great. If I could switch my entire organization over to this, well…that’s another question. The impact of a minimalist, batched email client on an organization is going to add up to significant revenue in attention savings and productivity—I’d point to studies about the effect of normal email habits on worker productivity to support that.
Also, don’t underestimate how much of a pain it is to migrate out of existing email clients; one of the ingenious things about Google encouraging users to archive everything is that the longer you use gMail, the more it serves as a key memory storage drive for you that you won’t want to walk away from. It’s a network effect, but instead of friends using the platform, it’s your own past activity that’s laborious to extract, re-organize, and re-deploy elsewhere.