I am of the opinion that this actually exists in a way, but not as an easy-to-find resource anywhere on the web. Instead everything is dispersed all around the internet. On the forum (which we see as an archive of information + ideas waiting to be processed) many things have been discussed. When CHT came with the Ledger of Harms , I proposed a solution-oriented version of that as a crowdsourced project. It is called Harms of Technology Fixes, or HOTFIX - a design pattern library.
HTC can collect these guidelines and the external pointers to more information. More info here:
opened 07:32AM - 07 Sep 18 UTC
The Humane Tech Community is about finding the positive way forward in a world o… f problems that come with our modern technology. While it is logical the CHT started to investigate harms of technology, and thus create [The Ledger of Harms](https://ledger.humanetech.com), it would be better if it focused on harms _and their solutions_.
The idea:
- Create the **Harms of Technology Fixes** project - a pattern library - also simply called **Hotfix**
Create a crowdsourced library of _Harm Mitigation Patterns_with the acronym 'HOTFIX' (which in IT terms means something that needed to be urgently fixed, and is thus quite appropriate).
### The Hotfix Library of Humane Technology
Available as a website at `hotfix.humanetech.community` (part of the [community website](https://humanetech.community))
The idea of this library is very similar to [Design Patterns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_pattern) used e.g. in programming, where the patterns form an integral [Pattern Language](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pattern_language) and may also contain [Anti-Patterns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-pattern).
Each pattern in the library addresses an individual harm caused by technology and alleviated or solved by humane technology best-practices. The table of contents of the library is divided into sections representing the categories of humane technology, or focus areas, i.e. 'Mental health', 'Relationships', 'Democracy', etc.
The Hotfix Library can be:
- Published as a book
- Summarized as a brochure
- Represented as a website
- Maintained as a ledger
The information model of the library (indicative, requires careful thought):
- Table of Contents
- Focus area [link]
- Harm [pattern link]
- Harm [pattern link]
- Focus area [section link]
- Harm [pattern link]
- Focus area
- Intro
- Pattern
- Pattern
- Mini-pattern
- Anti-pattern
- etcetera..
- Harm (mitigation pattern)
- Summary
- Description
- Caused by
- Affects
- Impact
- Symptoms
- Related harms
- Solutions
- Elaboration
- Evidence
- Further reading
#### Implementation options
(technical stuff below)
This is how I would implement (but other options might be evaluated):
- The whole library project resides in two Github repositories:
- One for all technical code, web application, publishing
- One for only the content, targeted to non-technical users
- The technical repository uses:
- A static site generator to automatically update the site when content changes
- (optional) CMS facilities to render input forms for easy content editing
- Code for the website that is invoked by the static site generator
- The content repository contains:
- Content as simple Markdown documents placed in folder hierarchy representing site structure
- README files and/or wiki detailing editing, review and maintenance of content for end-users
- Pattern template in Markdown, excluding _Evidence_ and _Further reading_ sections
- Separate template for submitting _Evidence_ and _Further reading_ entries
Technology-wise it uses:
- [ReactJS](https://reactjs.org/) for the website code
- [GatsbyJS](https://next.gatsbyjs.org/) for the static site generator
- [TravisCI](https://travis-ci.org/) for automated publishing
- [Github Pages](https://guides.github.com/features/pages/) for hosting the generated html
- [Typescript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/) as the web programming language
Regarding Ranking system there is: Humane Technology Certification project and other topics on the forum.