Privacy is fundamental to Humane Tech (and Democracy)!

Your assessment is correct, privacy in regards to the problem being bigger than Facebook Cambridge Analytical. However, people are having a hard time identifying what the underlining problem is in regards to privacy, cyber security, and consumer exploitation threats that were brought to light by the Facebook Cambridge Analytica revelation.

The privacy, cyber security, and consumer & child exploitation threats brought to light by the Facebook Cambridge Analytica incident are systemic to all online services such as social media and connected products supported by predatory surveillance and data mining business practices rooted in “Surveillance Capitalism”.

Lawmakers, the FTC, FCC, DOJ, and other relevant agencies need to address Surveillance Capitalism as a whole due to the fact that data driven technology providers such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Samsung, Amazon and other tech giants have adopted the Surveillance Capitalism Business Model.

For more information please read this topic: Surveillance Capitalism- The Need for an Electronic Bill of Rights

Regards- Rex