Mudita Pure- Kickstarter for minimalist, no distraction phone just launched

Hello Humane Tech Community!
I’m excited to share with you that we launched our campaign 2 days ago for our no distraction phone and that we reached our goal - 100 000 USD within the first hour!

Here is the link to our campaign with more information:

Let me know your feedback, I’m curious to know your opinion!

Thank you!


This looks awesome. I want one!

Curious how this is different from the Lightphone ? I ordered that last year and waiting for it to come later this month

Ten years ago I had a Nokia that looked like that and had a battery that could go all day and sweet flashlight. I sold it and see soon as I got next phone I regretted it. I put 16gb microsd and used it for mp3 player and the flashlight was amazing very bright and went far.

Looked kinda like this one

I love this! Will try to cop one haha.