My name is Madhwa. I am currently pursuing my Master’s in Experimental Psychology at Cleveland State University and starting this fall I will be joining the University of Missouri Columbia as a PhD student. I am writing this to inquire if anyone in the community knows of any job/internship opportunities for the summer.
I am hoping to find employment over the summer so that I have some money saved up to help me transition into the PhD program. As someone who has been trained as an experimental psychologist, I am familiar with experimental and correlational research designs. With regards to statistics, I am most familiar with univariate statistics (e.g. t-test, ANOVAs, Regression etc.) and psychometric analysis like factor analysis (EFA, CFA) and analyzing reliability for scales. The stats package that I am most familiar with is SPSS and Excel (I am learning R).
If there are any opportunities please do let me know as that would be of great help to me.