Business model innovation

Hello @Harinda80 and welcome!

I have been involved in many discussions regarding humane advertising here, and also have been an internet publisher and entrepreneur-developer for the last decade.

You may want to browse parts of the following discussions regarding advertising:

  1. A Bigger Greedier Dog
  2. Humane advertising - ethical and mutual-beneficial: It is possible !

My thoughts on the topic:

  1. Advertising and media don’t exist in a bubble. The tech ecosystem is built upon hidden currencies that I call surveillance, attention and misdirection. All of these currencies are traded secretly in the background without us knowing. This is often referred to as surveillance capitalism or the attention economy. However what many people don’t know is how deeply these things are built into much of tech software. Much of tech from the operating system to apps stores, from analytics to to website and app components, was created for the purpose to profit from surveillance, attention and/or misdirection.
  2. I think an environment where users must pay for services is probably worse than ads in almost all cases. Paid services discriminate against everyone but the wealthiest people on earth. Paid services also do not solve the attention-stealing problem, whoever can steal out attention will get our money. (Not my money, but maybe some other fool with money to spare.)
  3. Nonprofit is one solution
  4. I believe ethical advertising is a solution and have come up with a few ideas for humane ads:

I believe we also need a humane app/site analytics system to go along with humane advertising, and the two could be linked so that ad views are counted (and perhaps also launched) by the humane analytics system.

Please share your 3-party solution that evolves around the platform and follows the money.

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