Business model innovation

I think the best business model is still advertising and selling users data.

This movement is going to go much further if we start to be more realistic. What we need to do if FIX the ad industry.

I know that only ad industry pretty well, and literally it is currently filled with used-car salesmen types, scammers and even a disproportionate number of psychopaths. Everybody is skimming the margins. Ad technology is pretty bad and clunky, ads are currently being hijacked, ads are currently hijacking you. Worst of all many ads are completely immoral, just urging people to buy more and harmful things with an absolute minimum regard to the user’s interests.

The way to change that is to go with ads that offer good products and services. To put ads in non-invasive positions. And to never misdirect people to ad results when they are looking for something, as Google does.

This would definitely mean ads making less money. But if having moral ads could in itself draw users, then it might work.