Amazing example using technology to teach children prosocial behaviors

A COLLABORATIVE EFFORT A team of researchers and game designers led by Dr. Constance Steinkuehler and Dr. Richard Davidson developed Crystals of Kaydor from the ground up aimed at teaching children prosocial behaviors, including recognizing others’ emotions. Teaming up with Games+Learning+Society, the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds and Learning Games Network , the group developed a new approach to gauge children’s ability to learn these behaviors while engaging in an entertaining video game.

Nowadays is a prototype, but it’s an example of the use of technology to help create a more aware and empathetic society.

Link to video game info

I’m assuming the application here is something that is recommended for kids who game already- because the best exercise for social emotional skills and 3D real interaction. It is something to contemplate- whom are we talking about in regards to applying a skill or technology.

I’ve seen schools blindly see the words tech and social emotional and then buy a new app- further displacing a child’s human interaction time. Of course if a child is gaming already and one wants to slip some wisdom in there or guide a child in a certain direction a social tech game might work?

There again the marketing of these products is so important to the well being of our children.

In the right context I mark yes I agree;)