What constitutes Humane Technology wrt this community?

Thanks @metasj, I have added it to the awesome list.

Now I intentially broaden the subject much further to something that may seem off-topic-ish: sustainability (defined here as a combination of economical, ecological, social and political factors, not just the environment).

In The Way Forward there is this statement:

Apple, Samsung, and Microsoft can help solve the problem, because keeping people hooked to the screen isn’t their business model.

True. But what is their business model? And does it make their tech into Humane Tech?
For instance, on Apple (don’t know if they changed their ways since June '17… doubting it, but who knows) there’s this: Life and death in Apple’s forbidden city .

These companies may provide paid services and not sell your personal data, yes. But while not in the Ad-selling-business I wouldn’t call their tech humane, because their business models are unsustainable!
This is a global problem - we as humans are the only ones striving for unlimited growth and base most businesses solely on monetary incentives, profit, the bottom line.

The economist Kate Raworth explains this excellently in her vision of the Donought Economy. I would very much encourage you to watch this video (few secs of Dutch language in it…):


And also this TEDx video dating from 2014:

The only long-term sustainable model is the one in which we don’t destroy our planet. IMHO, a root-cause analysis of the problems defined by The Center for Humane Technology leads to the flaws in our current economic models as described by Ms Raworth.

And this, I think, should also be a foundation for this community. This doesn’t mean it needs to be in-your-face, but more as an underlying philosophy. There are interesting discussions on this Discourse forum on face-to-face interactions, meeting in the flesh, Time Well Spent.
That all fits the bill. The sharing economy, gig economy, circular economy, however you name it, are the domains where the best solutions can be found.

Food for thought?

At least I am basing my startup, innerircles, on these ideas. Its refreshing to think like this. Finally, to make it a bit more concrete… related to business models again, I’ll leave you with just one more link - to a presentation on the Flourishing Enterprise Innovation Toolkit and Business Canvas: