Searching for each other

Korean American actor John Cho plays David Kim, a widower and the father of Margot, a teenaged girl, in Searching, directed by Aneesh Chaganty and written by him and Sev Ohanian. Such camera work as focusing tightly on computer text as it’s being typed and presenting events through a webcam lens recreates the digital environment in which we now live. It is at once familiar, comforting, and disturbing, reflecting how much we communicate and experience life—and each other—through an electronic medium.

For members of this forum, I thought these might be the main takeaways:

  1. The danger that computer manipulation can wreak on young lives, easily taking children from harmless activities to situations in which lack of judgement and maturity become instruments of harm.

  2. The difficulty of knowing people who spend many hours a day on computers or smartphones—who are on journeys we know nothing about and can’t share.

  3. The illusion and shallowness of friendship on Facebook. After speaking with most of his daughter’s “friends,” Kim discovers that their definition of friendship involves little emotion and personal commitment.

  4. The ease of impersonating people, of fabricating histories and identities designed to fulfill the emotional needs of people we barely know—and what happens when the consequences move beyond our control.

  5. The efforts of authorities to edit, fabricate, or eliminate information that is critical to our mental health, understanding of reality, and ability to act.

  6. The temptation to lie, exaggerate, or attack because, in the fluid and diffuse world of the Internet, we aren’t held accountable as individuals.

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Excellent contribution !
Open new sources

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Thank you, Alfredo. I recommend this film for parents, children, and educators–and people concerned about where our digital lives are taking us. Families who watch the film together will have a lot to talk about afterward.


Excellent advise
I will inform all my contacts
In this way you are helping a lot
Fine !

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Hi Patm@

I recommended this in two schools with excellent results
Next days I will comment some experiencies I am promoting in schools , probably in a new topic , but I want to refer the ideas here you proposed

Thank you, @ALFREDO! Showing Searching in schools is a great idea. A lot of the film takes place in schools and examines teen culture. The exclusion of individuals who don’t fit in, the search for authentic peer relationships, the difficulty of developing strong parent-child bonds are all good topics for students to discuss.

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