Research Compliance: AI Ethics Review

I’m an HRPP Manager at a very large research institution. I’m currently designing a training module for AI Ethics in research, as well as developing checklists for research compliance when reviewing AI research. Because the regulations are outdated, this task has been quite complicated. Was wondering if anyone has any recommended tools or guidance on how ethics is applied in research involving human subjects.


@etohtamiko Welcome to the community! There are multiple posts about this issue on the forum. If you search AI in the search bar you should find some interesting tools. I will poke around and link anything I find below.

Hi @etohtamiko And welcome. Maybe you could ping @DavidRyanPolgar (Tech Ethicist) who recently joined this community to see if he has some tips for you.

Great to hear what you are working on :clap:t3:


Here is something:

Do not know if this is what you were looking for :joy:

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This may not be directly on point, but this is a nice checklist for developers with emotional AI created by Pamela Pavliscak: