Introduce Yourself

Hi, I’m a late bloomer.
My name is Ryan. My wife and I own a modestly successful Interior Design business but you wouldn’t want me decorating your home. I’m responsible for the back-office stuff, like marketing (which I love) and accounting (which I hate.) She does all the pretty stuff.
I think a lot of late bloomers are idealists, skeptics, dreamers, and, basically, lazy. As a result, they’ve got serious trust issues, an area where I’ve earned a six-degree black belt. Got a picture of me, yet?
As if that weren’t enough, I’m a patriot. I don’t carry a gun in every pocket or have a flag and six bumper stickers on my car but my greatest heroes are the founding fathers, whom I admire warts and all. I think they were radical social entrepreneurs who risked their lives for principles that occupy the position in our society next to “Urban Myths.” Like the FFs, I believe the greatest threat to democracy is ignorance, and there is a whole lot of that going around right now. (queue Talking Heads: Once in a Lifetime)
My current extracurricular projects include: an essay, “Everyone is a Victim,” on why the public lynching of Harvey Weinstein on social media stripped him of the right of the presumption of innocence and the moral implications for our society; a strategy for combating the obesity epidemic that features a movie script and the Department of Health and Human Services rolling out a new mascot, the Grim Reaper (It could work–look what Smokey the Bear did for forest fires!); and working on my marriage–did I mention my wife and I work together!