Ideas On How to Move Forward?

Hi there @lamacri

This is a continuation of my post What makes a humane technologist? - #12 by aschrijver. There’s so much potential in humane tech, and the field is vast and ready to be further explored. I’ve been in contact with @andrewmurraydunn the last couple of days, and we are really aligned in our thinking. But Andrew has the same prior experiences in community-building and hesitancy that stems from that. Setting up a working, well-oiled process and keeping things moving forward is a way tougher nut to crack than it appears to be on first glance.

One thing I’ve come to see is that:

:clock11: Time is humanity’s most precious commodity !

And that our reputation & attention economy has sorta given everyone a rather severe case of Attention Deficit Disorder. We might not have time to solve our big problems, because we are elsewhere engaged :thinking:

This “modern-day ADD” I’ve also witnessed in many students too. But we might find in students an audience that is prepared to spend time volunteering with us, given that their involvement might yield great benefit for their future careers. Hence providing incentives to be / stay active.

And of course educators like you and educational institutions can play a big role in involving said audience. In terms of overall audience that HTC addresses I think it is prudent to much further limit it to e.g.:

  • Technologists: Primary. Those more or less involved in creating humane tech solutions.
  • Advocates: Secondary. Those willing to translate and spread the humane technologist’s message.
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