You’ve laid out some great points in your first post in this topic. Thank you very much.
There are a lot of input we as HTC members could add to to the Ledger of Harms to make it more complete. There is one important thing to consider though. The Ledger of Harms is a Center for Humane Technology (CHT) project and not a community-driven project that is part of HTC.
Why this is important is that I had a lot of similar feedback and improvements that I suggested for the Ledger, after @lydialaurenson presented it here. Spend hours on providing feedback. Unfortunately due to - I presume - a mountain of other more important work at CHT there never was any follow-up nor answer to this. This is why at the time I decided that the Ledger of Harms is a CHT project (presumably used as a kind of pamphlet in talks with politicians and tech board room members).
A community-driven project was needed. And even better: a project that focuses on solutions, not just a project that iterates Harms of Technology. So I created the Harms of Technology Fixes project, or HOTFIX. The intent is to set this project up as a pattern library.
Here is the Github repository issue detailing how it could be set up: