Ethical anti-design, or designing products that people can't get addicted to

I came upon an interesting article about Ethical Anti-Design that is a good read to make you think about UX decisions in your software. I particularly like the link to the Fediverse that is made, as that is where my passions are nowadays and what I see as a veritable playground and innovation space for Humane Technology. (At SocialHub, where I’m most active nowadays, I promote the slogan “Social Networking Reimagined” as a vision for ActivityPub-based federated technology).

Here’s the article: njms - Ethical anti-design, or designing products that people can't get addicted to.

It was discussed on Hacker News with about a 100 comments: Ethical anti-design, or designing products that people can't get addicted to | Hacker News

And there’s a discussion on Lemmy, the federated Reddit alternative:

The author is on the Fediverse and we had a nice chat. You can meet them at

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