Code of conduct for HTC

I propose to add the following to HTC CoC, to contain moderators’ temptation (mine too :slight_smile:) to edit topics written and published by any community member:

Moderators should edit the content of a topic written by a member only when it violates any rule contained in this CoC or in order to fix some evident format / grammar error.


With people asking members to fill out surveys and questionnaires, I am wondering if we can add something like this:

HTC supports open-source research. When posting links to surveys and questionnaires and inviting members to participate, please (1) describe the context in which the answers will be used and interpreted and (2) provide a link to results if possible. We all want to know how the data will be used.


In point 2, we should replace “if possible” with “once the results are ready - provide the whole document under openaccess license” .


I made a recent mistake to change the title of a topic from a negative connotation to a positive (that matched the content of the post). This change was too much, and I should have consulted the poster.

But I think Moderators should be allowed to clarify unclear or undescriptive titles to make them more accessible / insightful to other members. For instance: Change title “Job Position” to “Job Position: CompanyXYZ is looking for a humane UX Designer”.

Edit: Thinking about it a bit more… content belongs to the author, but titles belong to the forum. They are part of a discussion thread. Just like with newspapers where authors do generally not control the title. These are given by editors. For moderation there should be more freedom to tweak a title if that serves the discussion. But changes should always be done thoughtfully.

Ok so we can add:

  • Topic title could be edited by moderators to better summarize the topic.

I would add “and with the knowledge and consent of the poster.”


Consideration should be given that both the title and content of the post are a sort of some kind of the identity of the author and the value of autonomy is important. Anyway the author and moderator could meet halfway if necessary. I think clear rules on this are needed.

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Ok, what do you think about adding to:

Moderators should edit the content of a topic written by a member only when it violates any rule contained in this document or in order to fix some evident format or grammar error.`

This line:

In particular cases the topic title could be edited by a moderator to better summarize the topic, with the knowledge and consent of the original author.


To me those are fair enough rules.

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