Attention: Help Spread Our New Vision and Mission! It'll cost you no time

Dear members,

We are spreading a new message to the world and we ask you to help spread it!

It is the message of The Pyramids of Humane Technology that we ask everyone to help build with us:

Be a Builder ❤ Help Improve Wellbeing, Freedom and Society !


As a result we have a new pinned message on Twitter, and we would be very happy if you give it a Like and a Retweet:


And if you are on LinkedIn then either copy and repost, or just give the following a Like and Share:

You can also use the version from our LinkedIn group that has no hashtags in it:

Craft your own message

You can formulate differently and spread to other places. We are so thankful if you do that too :slight_smile:

Warm regards,

The Community Team.