Aligning incentives of media - personal reality filter?

I think that US Congress will be too slow to regulate FB / Twitter / other media platforms.

I think that the innovation has to come bottom-up.

I think that people should own their devices and be able to run any software their desire (not always the case)

I think it is within our technical ability to create PERSONAL REALITY FILTER - ability to optimise on the client side what type of content is serving my health, wealth, wellbeing.

I think that if this problemis presented to Apple / Google / Microsoft they will find every excuse in the book to say “impossible, against fair competition, etc”

I still believe it is possible

A piece of code that is working for me, not for them.

Ownership of the device that I own? Controversial: Defend Your Right to Repair! | Electronic Frontier Foundation

I don’t want to go full Stallman here but I clearly see value of total ownership.

(truth to be told, I would be able to analyse millions LOC of low level driver code anyway)