Thank you very much! I will have to learn more about these very exciting projects.
The idea I was thinking about is very similar to Tim Berners-Lee’s Solid project. While there are many different use cases and solutions for a better future web, I think it makes sense to focus on the areas which are currently most broken. Much of the web works very well! My thoughts were for each user to keep and serve their own information directly to peers, allowing for information to be kept private, information to be ported and also modular app design which would allow switching. Here the most obvious use case is social network. It’s all very similar to Solid which I didn’t know about before.
The idea is that ordinary web servers are the best technology for this, any good database on a small machine can perform millions of reads per second and at least 10,000 writes per second. (Compared to 4 total operations per second for the entire worldwide Bitcoin network.) We just need a better way to arrange the web into new standards. I will take a look more at @aschrijver’s links.