Ethics of accessing the subconscious

ISO looking for recommendations on books, papers or conferences addressing ethical considerations on accessing and use of the subconscious.

90-95% of human transactions are impacted by the subconscious. You can’t always explain why you do something. You don’t even know. But if I do, I can alter behavior.

What if there was a way to access the subconscious and then use that information to move groups? It is what big data AI is trying to get to without the big data or PII.

The tech exists. It is like the Red Pill in the Matrix. It is not pretty but truth is powerful. The Russia SVR system uses a crude version. We spent a year perfecting the tech and have tested it in elections (‘18) and commercial applications.

As we release the product to selected groups for selected goals, I’d love input on ethical concerns and ideas on internal governance.

Welcome to the forum.

We spent a year perfecting the tech and have tested it in elections (‘18) and commercial applications.

I don’t understand - are you saying you are part of an election manipulation team? Who exactly do you work for?

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I’m surprised to see this here. This seems to be the exact opposite of Humane Tech unless your objective is to better inform the individual of how their subconscious works and what they can do to protect it from external actors. Or for example use of that technology in forms of therapy.

The ethics of releasing technology to third parties that manipulates someone through their subconscious… given that that is definitionally without their knowledge… doesn’t need a paper or conference to educate one on its ethics.