Rethinking how the internet is monetised

Hi @kaishinaw, nice article!

I like the fact that you are comparing pro’s and cons of various business models in it. I have some additions and one issue with the article, though.

The additions:

  • The Guardian (while still using trackers) has free, unrestricted access to all their content, no paywall at all. Instead they invite you to make either one-time donations, or take a (rather cheap) subscription. This business model is not about micro-transactions and has been proven to be very successful. As a result The Guardian has grown its reader base and is making money from it.

  • The social network MeWe - a friends-network alternative to FB - is completely free to use, does not track you, or invade your privacy. Their business model is offering additional payed services instead.

And the issue I have are with advising blockchain solutions without mentioning the full picture here. I know you are a blockchain enthusiast, but personally I have my reservations against it, as I explained here and here.

As a result, I stay well-away from solutions like Brave and Steemit. More in general my reasons are:

  • In my life and tech career blockchain is the biggest hype I have ever seen
  • As a result many frauds and scams surrounding the technology have arisen, and it is hard to discern them, so I have moral and ethical reasons to stay away.
  • The technology is still in its infancy and the vast majority of solutions that have blockchain as their enabling technology are just unviable, or unnecessary use cases. You’ll find general consensus on this on Hacker News (the quality social network of Silicon Valley and techies around the world, and looking past the hype)

I know you were advertising more innovative crypto uses, but the ‘market leader’ in crypto-technology is still Bitcoin, with some INSANE, crazy characteristics (apart from it becoming centralized): max. transaction speed of 7 transactions per second (after performance improvement), and each single transaction costing about 993 KWh!!! (source: Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index - Digiconomist)

On that last point Gartner recently positioned blockchain more realistically in their Hype Cycle as a technology that will reach maturity in 5-10 years:

So, in short, adding at least a line to Cons, like: “Blockchain is still immature and needs to evolve further” would be fair, IMHO :slight_smile:

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