Question about finances - do you have enough funds? 🤑

Some copy-pasta from the Riot / Matrix / Element chat

If OpenAI can receive billions to change AI, then HTC can receive $100m to work together…
On a personal level I have a dillema how to invest my time / energy effort… Mission of HTC is close to my heart. Same with MAPS and mental health. I saw one pitch deck: “mental health treatment cost to be $16 trillion by 2030” (not sure if globally or US only)

Also not sure if $16 trillion includes the cost of lost productivity.

You know, investment decks, shuffling big numbers, getting investors excited…

What would happen if early investors / shareholders of GAFAM contributed $100m “no string attached” and collaboration with Open AI to integrate better incentives on the operating system level?

I think it is possible.

I think it requires some good storytelling skills.

I think some people see that technology is doing so much harm and donating $100m towards this cause may help with their scruples / remorse / ethics / moral compass :pray:

It is related to that: Aligning incentives of media - personal reality filter? - #9 by marsrobertson

In a nutshell: a piece of software that integrates with my operating system and has incentives aligned to me.

Facebook can do whatever they want. My personal AI agent retrieves all the content available and then carefully selects stuff that actually serves me :innocent: