I’m Leigh-Chantelle. I’m passionate about cyberpsychology, digital well-being, and digital communication - in particular prioritising conscious choices to interact, especially online.
I’m currently in my honours year of my Bachelor of Psychology at Griffith University on the Gold Coast, in Australia. I’m interested in cyberpsychology, and digital detox retreats with mindfulness aspects.
In the past two decades, I’ve spoken all over the world, written various books, run not-for-profits, organised festivals, plus many smaller events. I’m recognised for these aspects as well as being a vegan veteran in the movement who has helped bring the awareness of veganism into the mainstream.
I’ve worked in online marketing, online advertising, content creation, and social media for over a decade, and am currently interested in online course creation and teaching myself how to code.
Really want to get involved with the CHT community, as I love the idea of contributing to change within (and beyond) a movement, especially by leading by example. Would love to connect with others interested in cyberpsychology, technology, digital communication and wellbeing.
I’m also great company/a great travel guide, so get in touch if you’re ever in the Gold Coast or Brisbane areas.