Nudge: Delete your News Feed by unfollowing all friends

Nudge just released a feature that unfollows everyone you know. I’m certainly considering it.


Cool! And then afterwards you can install the News Feed Eradicator in your Chrome or Firefox browser

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Deleting newsfeed is fantastic.
2017 I unfollowed everyone on Facebook to delete my newsfeed as it made me furious and frustrated and I knew I was hooked on it. It was also quite difficult as Facebook kept stopping me from unfollowing so I had to do it in sessions over time. Then I stumbled across Tristan Harris’ TED talk and it was such a relief as I no longer felt crazy - the only trouble is I then followed Tristan to learn more and then started following others that I found interesting on similar topics. Hello newsfeed again and consistent logging on to Facebook to keep ‘up to date’.
It is great though. This has made me think of how sensible it will be to do it again.

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Wow, this is very cool - I’m the founder of Nudge and didn’t realise it had been posted here. Thanks @metasj.

I can’t recommend deleting your News Feed, with Nudge or otherwise, enough. It’s been a complete game-changer for me in terms of my Facebook usage.

I’ve just released a new version of Nudge (about to post about it in Your Apps & Tools), would love any feedback on it! More about it here:


Hey. Who were the other thought leaders in the field like Tristan? I would love to know who else out there has similar views to Tristan.