👋 Introduce yourself or check-in for 2022!

I’ve been here a while, not that active. I’m co-founder of Snowdrift.coop which is still working to get going, progressing but way too slow. (We need help, What Snowdrift.coop needs to launch )

I engage in related issues in most of my life from my own tech involvement to the way I deal with people in different facets of my life. My personal and music-teaching-focused website is at wolftune.com and it needs attention and to be redone sometime.

I’ve gotten especially into the deeper aspects of mindful/conscious living, and I think about democratic structures, good communication and so on. I have an aspiration to put together all the notes and framings I’ve found most useful and publish it all under Free/Libre/Open terms…

I’m currently reading the wonderful (if excessively long) book The Dawn of Everything by the late (tragically) David Graeber and Devid Wengrow. It brings together the most thorough understanding of anthropology and archaeology to make the core claim that for human pre-history was basically people making all sorts of conscious decisions about how to live. There was no agricultural revolution (thousands of years went by with people making varied decisions about how much farming/herding/gardening to do and intentionally avoiding limiting themselves to it), and cities existed without rulers or temples or administrators, and basically the whole story that society just had to end up where we now find ourselves, that’s nonsense, and we could very well choose to live in a lot of other arrangements.

I’ve been recently focusing on the next level of clarifying the FLO values and economic issues around which Snowdrift.coop is working. Specifically: our economy only knows how to work with scarcity and exclusion. Therefore, we force that into everything with paywalls and ads and so on. We need new models of coordination (economic and otherwise) that are designed to work with abundance and sharing. I aspire to write more on this soon.

I have a lot of room to improve in terms of keeping my check-ins concise.