Ideas On How to Move Forward?

Yes. But the method to do this needs great care and attention.

Raising awareness of the problem and urging for improvement, is where most like-minded initiatives are also active. The first problem is that most people, though (very) worried, don’t care enough to change their ways. This to the great frustration of the activists. The second problem is to find people to help you, who stay committed to the cause. Only few people are natural activists, and most others lack the time, opportunity or even the willingness to do the work.

This is nothing new. It’s the same situation as with climate change and ‘earth destruction’ in general. We are mostly frogs in near-boiling water, and only if our house is washed away we spring to action, and then only to rebuild it elsewhere.

The “barrier to action” that exists in people is very hard to take away.

But activism is also depressing if it means instilling awareness about problems. In the audience description above I formulated the wrong way, especially the part about Advocates. What I meant to say was that technologists work on creating solutions - an uplifting experience - and that the advocates help bring those solutions to the wider world. And - because they are solutions - have proper incentives to do so.

For both Technologists and Advocates a focus on incentives for participation is key. So your sentence should be swapped in that the “creation of such tech” comes first, followed by advocates helping to trigger “the shift”.