Goals of Humane Design. Goals of Humane Design is to create products that:

Don’t know if anyone noticed the Ethical OS (https://ethicalos.org/) released recently with support from the Institute of the Future and Omidyar Network. It’s a very relevant framework being proposed on how to ethically approach technology and its social impact. Mostly questions - and they even cite Tristan and the CHT - but it looks like a promising start. Definitely worth getting on everyone’s radar, IMO.

For prime examples, from the Ethical OS Toolkit (version 2) at https://ethicalos.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Ethical-OS-Toolkit-2.pdf :

Risk Zone 2
Addiction & the Dopamine Economy

Research by Common Sense Media found that the average teenager spends 9 hours a day using some form of media. 9 hours!

The time we spend with our devices is of growing concern. Tristan Harris, founder of the Center for Humane Technology (CHT), has called for tech companies to encourage “time well spent,” suggesting designers optimize the time they spend on platforms, in a way that makes their time beneficial to their overall happiness and well-being.

Studies show people achieve maximal intended use of apps like Instagram and Snapchat after 11 minutes — beyond which overall happiness decreases. How might tools be designed to advocate for time well spent? How can we design software that prioritizes user happiness — offline and online—over keeping eyes glued to the screen?

  • Does the business model behind your chosen technology benefit from maximizing user attention and engagement — i.e., the more, the better? If so, is that good for the mental, physical, or social health of the people who use it? What might not be good about it?

  • What does “extreme” use of, addiction to, or unhealthy engagement with your tech look like? What does “moderate” use to or healthy engagement look like?

  • How could you design a system that encourages moderate use? Can you imagine a business model where promoting moderate use is more sustainable or profitable than always seeking to increase or maximize engagement?

  • If there is potential for toxic materials like conspiracy theories and propaganda to drive high levels of engagement, what steps are being taken to reduce the prevalence of that content? Is it enough?