"Fake news" and civil rights in Singapore

I agree on the ‘self-corrupting’ part. What is in China today, is in the US and EU tomorrow, but under a more friendly guise. Already in the US you can use facial recognition as a convenient way to check in on airplanes (JetBlue has started using facial recognition instead of boarding passes). The EU recently voted to create a gigantic biometrics database.

The list goes on an on, and slowly the technology is adopted everywhere. It can be used for convenience, and it can - and will be - used for surveillance and surveillance capitalism.

More data is better. Data is gold and can always be used to provide us “better” services. Like the police - with their budgets ever diminishing - gets this handy AI software that shows them the ‘hotspots’ of where crime is most likely (spoiler: the marketing of the AI system was way better than the system itself, which is full of biases and security flaws). Tech is in the drivers’ seat, and is introduced to the world at greater speed than we can catch up with it.