Examples of what is coming to us in the near future

While seemingly not related to CHT, this is an important MUST READ nonetheless:

Edit: This article shows how high the stakes may be. No less than a coordinated assault on democracy! And big tech plays a role in the undermining of it.

Today in the comments section of a Guardian article on whether Brexit can still be stopped:

"In the forgotten book The Sovereign Individual: How to Survive and Thrive During the Collapse of the Welfare State, Rees-Mogg (William, father of Jacob) argues that the increasing globalisation of wealth, and the consequent disappearance of any viable tax base, will make it impossible for nation-states to maintain coherent societies. They will collapse into chaos - but far from this being a bad thing, the book sees it as the opportunity for a global elite of rich individuals and corporations to escape any democratic constraint, and effectively take over the world.
The only things standing in their way, of course, are international co-operative institutions - like the EU.
Now I wonder where Jacob’s fear and hatred of the EU comes from?"

And later:

“Its not commonly known but the Sovereign Individual is one of the primary sources for American Libertarians & the more intellectual alt.right. its occasionally mentioned by a number of Libertarian billionaires as one of their primary inspirations. It seems to be regarded as more hardcore then the more moderate/lighter Atlas Shrugged. From what I’ve seen, it’s perceived as a playbook on how to actively bring about that world. It also proposes that a number of ‘superior individuals’ will rise to unfettered dominance unshackled by the onerous restraints of national laws.”

(note: Jacob Rees-Mogg is a big promotor of ‘Hard Brexit’ in the UK government)

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